Thursday, January 14, 2010

Micro Herbs What Vegetables Can I Grow In My Garden During The Winter In Southern California?

What vegetables can I grow in my garden during the winter in southern california? - micro herbs

Southern California has many microclimates. I am, if it is useful and I plant my winter garden first. I had only been a total failure. What plants would you try for the case / winter. Besides, how many of each I would need to plant fruit. Everything he did was my herbs. At the time I have basil, mint, coriander and parsley. Herbs are made in the winter? Thank you for your help.


fineDayg... said...

There are all kinds of plants, which love cold weather too cold. Some will not be killed by frost and light:
Kale, cabbage, onions, leeks and garlic, beets, radishes, and most of the peas. In addition, several herbs in the winter, such as rosemary, sage and mint.
Some plants, like the cold weather. Peas, garlic and onions. Garlic must be around Sept.and of winter vegetables are planted my favorite. You can go to the supermarket and choose a bulb that seems to be good. You can often those who are already beginning to germinate. Ask the shop so often these steps and you can call us for free. Break the bulb into cloves garlic small teeth and throw the plant 2 to 3 inches deep in well prepared soil. If you go, you can add a top dressing of compost, manure, or add the new green grass clippings. This is to eliminate weeds.

Enjoy gardening.
Hope this helps.

fineDayg... said...

There are all kinds of plants, which love cold weather too cold. Some will not be killed by frost and light:
Kale, cabbage, onions, leeks and garlic, beets, radishes, and most of the peas. In addition, several herbs in the winter, such as rosemary, sage and mint.
Some plants, like the cold weather. Peas, garlic and onions. Garlic must be around Sept.and of winter vegetables are planted my favorite. You can go to the supermarket and choose a bulb that seems to be good. You can often those who are already beginning to germinate. Ask the shop so often these steps and you can call us for free. Break the bulb into cloves garlic small teeth and throw the plant 2 to 3 inches deep in well prepared soil. If you go, you can add a top dressing of compost, manure, or add the new green grass clippings. This is to eliminate weeds.

Enjoy gardening.
Hope this helps.

fineDayg... said...

There are all kinds of plants, which love cold weather too cold. Some will not be killed by frost and light:
Kale, cabbage, onions, leeks and garlic, beets, radishes, and most of the peas. In addition, several herbs in the winter, such as rosemary, sage and mint.
Some plants, like the cold weather. Peas, garlic and onions. Garlic must be around Sept.and of winter vegetables are planted my favorite. You can go to the supermarket and choose a bulb that seems to be good. You can often those who are already beginning to germinate. Ask the shop so often these steps and you can call us for free. Break the bulb into cloves garlic small teeth and throw the plant 2 to 3 inches deep in well prepared soil. If you go, you can add a top dressing of compost, manure, or add the new green grass clippings. This is to eliminate weeds.

Enjoy gardening.
Hope this helps.

Megan said...

Since I live in Southern California, however, if I do how cold it is entering the winter ask? In general, if the weather drops below 40 degrees Celsius or less, annuals such as basil and coriander can be affected. In any unlikely event that a freeze survive.

Do not worry, because there are ways to get your herbs, protecting the cultivation of herbs in pots in the winter. Please check the link below.

Otherwise, more and more persistent perennial herbs like rosemary, without problems, even in winter. I'm sure you do your garden good in light of their experience in the herb garden in summer. Good luck!


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