Monday, January 4, 2010

Ritz Cracker Pie I Had A Pecan Pie That Tasted Like It Had Ritz Crackers In It.?

I had a Pecan Pie that tasted like it had Ritz crackers in it.? - ritz cracker pie

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fishinea... said...

Ritz Pecan Pie
Per 20 Ritz crackers, crushed *
3 egg whites from large
1 teaspoon vanilla extract tea
3 oz milk chocolate or crushed
1 teaspoon baking powder tea
1 cup sugar
1 / 2 cup pecans, halves
* Crush Ritz cracker crumbs. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Combine cracker crumbs and baking powder. Beat the egg whites and sugar gradually, beating continiuing. Add vanilla. Fold egg whites and cookies together. In a greased 9-inch baking pan. Arrange the pecans on top. Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven, sprinkle with grated chocolate, then place under broiler for a few seconds, followed closely so that the chocolate is melted, but not burned. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.


fishinea... said...

Ritz Pecan Pie
Per 20 Ritz crackers, crushed *
3 egg whites from large
1 teaspoon vanilla extract tea
3 oz milk chocolate or crushed
1 teaspoon baking powder tea
1 cup sugar
1 / 2 cup pecans, halves
* Crush Ritz cracker crumbs. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F. Combine cracker crumbs and baking powder. Beat the egg whites and sugar gradually, beating continiuing. Add vanilla. Fold egg whites and cookies together. In a greased 9-inch baking pan. Arrange the pecans on top. Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven, sprinkle with grated chocolate, then place under broiler for a few seconds, followed closely so that the chocolate is melted, but not burned. Serve with ice cream or whipped cream.


Wine and Window Guy said...

Ritz Pecan Pie (no crust needed!)
Oven to 325 F.

20 Ritz crackers crushed
1 T. baking powder
3 egg whites
1 C sugar
1 T. vanilla
1 / 2 c. Walnut halves
3 oz milk chocolate, chopped

You enter the mixing and baking powder biscuits in a bowl, beat egg whites until stiff. Little by little sugar. Continue to beat. Add vanilla. Double White cookies together. Put butter in 8 Order ". The nuts on top.

Bake 30 minutes. Remove from oven and sprinkle with chocolate. Set broiler back to keep a watchful eye, but not burn! Drag it. Cool. . Dienes

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