Monday, December 7, 2009

Intracerebral Hemorrhage More Condition_symptoms Can Taking Ecstasy Cause Intracerebral Hemorrhage?

Can taking ecstasy cause intracerebral hemorrhage? - intracerebral hemorrhage more condition_symptoms

I wonder, because my best friend I have known my entire life, died in his sleep last week. He was only 16 years .. According to his parents, one of the bubbles of blood in his brain had begun, and I do not know why. He said one of his friends who were at a party and 2 days before he had swallowed pills ex .. I wonder whether this may have caused his death?


toots said...

MDMA kills elevated body core temperature.
An aneurysm diagnosed killed your friend.

toots said...

MDMA kills elevated body core temperature.
An aneurysm diagnosed killed your friend.

sean said...

need to move quickly on this information ---
the person on the pill, which have been shipped
partly responsible for this and the authorities should not

Scott B said...

Sean is great, the person that you have the pill is not responsible. No, MDMA (ecstasy) would not cause that to happen. Even if possible, would have occurred much earlier than 2 days later. MDMA is used in the system is detectable up to 4 days and intense. This means that you have left his brain in one or two days. I'm sorry for the loss of his friend, but hwta happens is probably the result of an undiagnosed medical problem or a special event, but not ecstasy.

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