Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Mood Swings Cipralex Cipralex! I'm Driving My Bf Nuts.. Advice Please?

Cipralex! I'm driving my bf nuts.. advice please? - mood swings cipralex

My doctor prescribed Cipralex for anxiety and depression May .. I told my doc I do not think I'm depressed and I was sent to another doc for a second opinion ... but my question relates to Cipralex .. my concern about going to the doctor's mood swings from very strong irritation, frustration and sadness ... since the beginning of Cipralex, I have a bad headache and I feel hot all the time. I'm going crazy my BF, because you know, I take Cipralex or my documents. My mood swings are worse cipralex'm just crying and angry and annoyed 10 times worse than it was before Cipralex. All this can be caused by Cipralex .. Cipralex or nothing to do, and I was only getting worse? I have an appointment documents

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